Sunday 24 July 2011


It's been a while since I've posted here, there's been nothing to write about lately.

There has been this annoying transwoman who added me on Facebook a while ago. All she talked about was being trans, so I humoured her after getting a negative result asking her about anything else. She badmouthed a close friend and got pissy with me when I asked her not to anymore. I don't really like her much.

Last week she posted on facebook that she tried to kill herself a few nights previously, and I was struck by how little I cared. It made me feel a little uneasy with myself, it should have been something I cared about, even a little. But I tried to put it in perspective with Serina's help: I didn't know this person, I didn't like this person, and if she told me she was doing it beforehand I would have tried to stop her.

That last part was put into practice about 10 minutes ago. She said on Facebook that she was going to kill herself so I started talking to her to talk her down. Basically, it didn't work.But I don't feel too bad. I really tried to help, and I guess I did care.

We'll see if she actually goes through with it though...

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Learning experiences don't have to be world-shaking

I've been trying to write one of my usual long introspective posts on this, but it's just not coming. Which makes me realise I wasn't that emotionally involved. But, anyway, what I learned from my latest venture:

Submission should not be a chore in itself.