Sunday, 5 August 2012


I've been thinking about them, the Monsters, and how we have a strange relationship. I cling to them in false hope. If I listen to them, I'll be safe. If I listen to them, they end up being right, and stronger, which makes me more likely to listen to them again later. We already know this, this isn't news. But I've been thinking where they came from, and I thought about why I call them Monsters:

Dr Frankenstein created a monster.
A man is bitten by a monster and turned into another monster.
Something terrible happens to a man, and he turns into a monster.

Monsters aren't born. They're created. Grown. They come from somewhere. Dark places, light places, scary places, happy places. They're handed down. Passed on. Given to others. But they're organic, and happen naturally. Everyone has Monsters of some kind. I think I need to learn when I don't need to listen to them.

1 comment:

  1. I don't really have anything to say, except how easy it is to see you words come to life from the page
    It makes me re-think upon the monsters I have lurking under my bed, and the misguided value I place in them
